====== Limitations of Network Traffic ======
Currently the amount of traffic yo can use per day is not restricted
Network services within the university network are generally unrestricted, however, most inbound connections are not allowed.
In [[:en:ordnungen:nutzungsordnung:anlage2|Appendix II]] you can find the restrictions related to the terms of use. Please refer to the following information for further details.
===== Automatic regulation (Shaping) =====
Currently the available bandwidth for each user is not shaped. Usage rates are calculated but not used to limit traffic.
===== General Restrictions of Network Services =====
In addition to the restrictions listed in [[:en:ordnungen:nutzungsordnung:anlage2|Appendix II]] the following restrictions currently apply
* To limit the spread of viruses the following ports are blocked: 135, 445, 1025, 2745, 3127, 3140, 6129, 17300
* Non-allowed programs: Hamachi